ICAETM 2024 invites full length original research contributions from science, engineering professionals from industries, R&D organisations, academic institutions, government departments and research scholars from across the world. Full length original research contributions and review articles not exceeding TWELVE pages in the single column format shall be submitted. The manuscript template shall be found in the downloads section. The manuscript should contribute original research ideas, developmental ideas, analysis, findings, results, etc. The manuscript should not have been published in any journals/magazines or conference proceedings and not under review in any of them. Further the manuscript should contain the name of the corresponding author with e-mail id and affiliation of all authors. The full length manuscripts shall be submitted to


♦ Track 1: AI and Human Resource Management
♦ Track 2. AI and Marketing Management
♦ Track 3. AI and Finance
♦ Track 4. AI influence on Supply Chain Management
♦ Track 5. AI and Operation Management
♦ Track 6. AI and Innovation
♦ Track 7. AI and Business Analytics
♦ Track 8. AI as collaborator as future workforce
♦ Track 9. AI and Education
♦ Track 10. AI as support for Entrepreneurship growth and development


Each submitted manuscript will receive a unique paper id. The manuscripts will be initially screened to check for the conference scope and originality. All the submitted manuscripts will be sent for technical peer review process and the corresponding author will be notified the outcome of the review process. ICAETM adopts double blind review process. 

Paper selection process #

STEP 1 (Received) – Abstracts* / full length papers received will be given paper ID** in relevant to the conference topic and track.
STEP 2 (Under Screening) – Initial screening review will be done by the Technical Program Committee of ICAETM. Initial screening include relevance to the conference topic, plagiarism***, organization of the paper, quality of figures/diagrams/illustrations/equations and etc.
STEP 3 (Under Review) – Papers got through Step 2 alone will be forwarded to technical review process. Papers will be sent to at-least two reviewers who are specialized in the same domain as the paper.
STEP 4 (Revision) – Corresponding author will be notified the outcome of the review process and the revised version of the manuscript shall be submitted within fifteen days on the date of intimation.
STEP 5 (Under Review) – Revised version of the papers will be sent for reviewer to ensure that all the suggested corrections have been carried out, if required. Otherwise, the editors will take a decision whether or not to accept the paper. If the reviewer recommended for minor revision TPC recommends its decision to the organizing Chair on the paper.
STEP 6 (Accept / Reject) – Final decision will be taken by the editors based on the recommendations by the reviewers / TPC and the same will be intimated to the corresponding authors.
STEP 7 (CRP Received / Not Received) – status of the Camera Ready Paper after the acceptance.
STEP 8: (REG Complete / Pending) – Status of the registration

# No paper will be accepted without screening review and technical review process
* Full length papers shall be submitted in order to consider the paper for review process.
** Paper ID will be provided all the received papers with in ONE working day from the conference email id. Authors are requested to contact the TPC through, If the paper ID had not received within the time frame.
*** TPC of ICAETM check for possible plagiarism TWICE, first after receiving the paper and then at the stage of acceptance. Though ICAETM carefully check for plagiarism there are some possibilities for inaccuracies in the plagiarism results, hence ICAETM encourages the authors to take sole responsibility for plagiarism when they submit their papers.


Will be updated


ICAETM 2024 is organized by the KLS Institute of Management Education and Research. Since its inception, Karnatak Law Society’s Institute of Management Education and Research has been a pioneer autonomous institution in Management education, research and consultancy. Promoted by great visionaries, it has a team of highly qualified and research-oriented faculty lead by a dynamic Director and supported by a beautiful campus with state-of-the-art infrastructure. KLS IMER is recognized as a Research Center. Over the years the institute has been consistently rated as one of the top B-schools in this part of the country. Institute has been accredited by NAAC with grade "A" (CGPA of 3.24). The practical and research-oriented teaching and learning processes adopted at KLS IMER have resulted in top notch placements and in attracting students from diverse backgrounds across India.

Official website:

News & Updates
Paper submission has been EXTENDED to 10, September 2024.

ICGEST 2024 will be held at Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus (SSTC), Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India

Proceedings of ICGEST 2024 will be published in the E3S Web of Conferences, which is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, etc.

Proceedings of ICGEST 2023 have been published in the E3S Web of Conferences, Vol. 455, 2023
Important dates

Last date for paper submission
10, September 2024 (Open)

Last date for acceptance
15, October 2024

Registration deadline
25, October 2024

Camera ready paper submission
31, October 2024

Release of conference schedule
27, October 2024

Conference dates
21 – 22, November 2024

Contact information
Organizing Chair
ICGEST 2024,
Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus
Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, INDIA,


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